Welcome to Mylifecoach Academy!
You are here for a reason, aren’t you? My guess is that you probably already asked yourself and answered yes to one of the following questions…
Do you really want to make a difference and have an alternative source of income at the same time?
Have you ever dreamed of (or thought about) becoming a coach?
Are you already self-employed and want to expand your services with coaching?
Yes? Then you finally arrived at the right place.
Indeed if you want to help people, and feel you have a gift for it, and want to make a difference in the world, you will find many people who need your help.
And if it is your calling to help others, then it is also your task to prepare yourself the best way possible for this goal.
On this path, I will support you with Mylifecoach Academy, so that you are prepared for your deepest, inner calling:
To help other people on their life journey.
In all my years of practical experience, it has become clear to me that there are ultimately only two very simple (but not easy) reasons why you have not yet expanded your offering with coaching:
Although you are known in your circle for your empathy, you are not sure if you are really suitable as a coach.
You lack proven methods and the practical experience to effectively use your natural gift in practice.
What is the cause of the 1st reason?
Well, you and I both know that negative beliefs are often deeply held and are the reason why some people will never realize their true potential.
The belief “I may not be good enough” is just such a negative belief.
And let’s be honest… Does this belief fit a successful person who carries an important message to the outside world and really wants to help other people?
If you don’t release this crucial brake, then many people who need your help will remain unattended.
If you face this challenge (or any other), you will finally be able to solve it with the help of Mylifecoach Academy, and you will also be able to transfer this knowledge to other people (your future coaching clients).
And what is the cause of the 2nd reason?
Let’s be honest, how many coaching trainings are there on the market now?
Quite a lot.
And that is understandable: We are talking about a fast-growing market with great business opportunities and low barriers to entry.
And that precisely is the problem:
Some trainings are focused on pure profit maximization. Which means that coaches are trained to “sell” their services as fast as possible, regardless of the results for their clients.
As you will probably agree, this cannot lead to a sustainable career!
That’s why in this Coaching Academy, we focus on something completely different: Empathy is at the center.

What is the greatest thing that can happen to you as a (future) coach?
…that your coachees finally overcome their challenges and feel better than they have for ages – and then start to enthusiastically recommend you to their friends.
With coachees that enthusiastic about you and your work, it will be easy for you to build a sustainable foothold as a coach. As a matter of fact, it will almost build itself.
You are now wondering how to generate this enthusiasm?
By making nothing more important to you than the success of your coachees. And you achieve this by mastering the strategies, techniques, tips and methods that have proven to be most effective in practice.
And that’s exactly the roadmap you will get at Mylifecoach Academy.
However: Of course I can’t promise you great results without commitment from your part. The key to your success will be that you will actually practice with what you learn, and thus develop your skills step by step. But I will help you with that, too, and provide ample practice opportunities with the other students.
Are you ready to do your part?
If yes, then this academy is exactly the opportunity for you to build a successful future as a coach.
One more thing is important to say: What you can expect here is different from all the other seminars, workshops and trainings you have experienced so far.
Because this is not about attending just to get a certificate.
It is about really learning how to help other human beings through effective coaching methods.
I can confidently tell you that I myself have been a successful coach for over 14 years (and with more than 2,000 hours of professional training) and have gained many crucial insights throughout that time.
After testing everything, I can tell you one thing: there is no “best” way.
…but there is one way that is best for my coachees, the coaches I train, and me. And it does not lead by any mainstream coaching association! Instead, it combines the best of different worlds:
This is about ways of working that not only sound promising and entertain the mind, but that work in practice. Effectively, and in a short time. Because the truth is that most clients don’t have time or money for many appointments – they want effective results (…as you may soon experience yourself!).
And that is exactly why the functioning method of my academy consists of the following components:
This is what you can expect to learn at Mylifecoach Academy:
- How to feel confident, credible and prepared because you trust your own ability to help your clients get real results.
- How to find out your (and your coachees) authentic strengths and talents, and how to use that to find true fulfillment.
- What crucial mistakes many coaches make at the beginning, because they are not crystal clear about the difference between coach and consultant/mentor/trainer, and how you can avoid this mistake.
- How you should specifically deal with beliefs (…because that determines success and failure in the coaching session).
- The 7 natural levels in which you can work in coaching. The higher you get, the higher the leverage for success. (…and detailed instructions on how to easily integrate this into your coaching process).
- Why every problem can be expressed at a higher level with a limiting belief set and what that means for you and your coachees in practice.
- The 3 elementary steps of a systemic coaching process with which you really get to the root of any problem.
- How you can uncover blind spots of your coachees within minutes, allowing them to become aware of their real goals (…and thereby significantly increase the quality of the coaching).
- Many believe coaching is only goal- and resource-oriented work. Wrong. For really effective coaching, you also need to go for cause-oriented work. And for this you will get my most effective methods (… and thus secure a decisive competitive advantage).
- How you can master the fundamentals of “inner-child work” and use it to bring more authenticity, vibrancy and life energy to your coachees.
- The secret of regression and how you can use this method (like having x-ray vision) to see where your coachee’s limiting beliefs come from and why they keep getting into the same situations over and over again.
- The 5-step formula from Positive Psychology (and my personal best practices) that you can use to help anyone find true meaning in life, and a path to greater happiness – very often that is all you need!
- The principles of strengths coaching: how to get into a flow state and really enjoy your work – and how to transfer this knowledge to your coachees.
- How to position yourself authentically as a coach, take an appropriate fee, and win your first coachees (and all without having to sell yourself pushily).
- PLUS: How to establish a trusting coaching relationship with your coachees to have them be truly open with you and experience an optimal working relationship.
- PLUS: How to ask questions with SO much surgical precision that you discover the core issue of new coachees right at the beginning (…and thereby have power over the greatest tool to effectively help your coachees).
- PLUS: Using Nonviolent Communication in coaching – an amazingly profound method to deal more consciously, empathically and appreciatively with yourself and others.
This is what previous participants say:
Mylifecoach Academy is so successful because it includes these 3 critical elements:
- We address the cause and not the symptoms: Many coaching approaches limit themselves to only treating the symptoms. That’s where we start – but we go a big step further: you will learn the methods to actually find out and resolve the root causes. And that’s why with this training you will be able to provide real results to your coaching clients.
- In your training to become a coach we put increasing your own happiness, satisfaction and fulfillment in life first! (And after that your clients’ !) As my very specific step-by-step instructions work even better if you first experienced them on yourself as a client. (…and all that will work even if you have little or no experience as a coach so far, and especially so if you have already mastered first skills).
- You’ll not only get the most valuable coaching methods to effectively help your coachees, but also critical tools and secrets for your successful future as a coach (…how to position yourself authentically and market yourself in an enjoyable way).
Imagine all the changes Mylifecoach Academy could provide… Not only to you, but to all your future clients….
There is a waiting list for the next training!
You are interested? Then send me a message via the contact form to learn about new dates in time.
Are you still hesitating whether this is really the right thing for you? Maybe this will help you with your decision:
Money-back guarantee: 100% security for you
As I am so convinced of the contents of my Coaching Academy (…here are insights from over 14 years of experience as a coach and over 2,000 hours of training…), I offer you a 14-day money-back guarantee.
If the training does not exceed your expectations, you have the right to cancel the training within 14 days!
In this case, simply contact me directly within the 14 days from the start of the program and you will receive a full refund of your investment without any further questions.

Does that sound fair to you?
So if you feel that this academy is exactly what you need, you can book your participation now and discover it for yourself. If you don’t like it then… Then you write an email or tell me in person and you will get your money back immediately.
Feel free to think about what a huge opportunity this could be and what the worst case is if you don’t like it (…that would be writing an email…).
…and one more thing:
Imagine that in a few years you look back on this moment – on this opportunity – and realize how your life and your environment have developed positively through this one decision and what new opportunities you have created for yourself.
How would that feel?
I am looking forward to meeting you.
Yours, Timm
You still have a question?
Here may be the answer:
You have another question? Then feel free to send me your question via the contact form and I will answer you within 2 days.