Get to know me and get a feeling for Mylifecoach

Hello, my name is Timm Christophel – the man behind Mylifecoach.

I’m also always very curious about the “About Me” pages and eager to learn more about the person’s personality. That’s probably why you’re here, right?

So – let me tell you something about me:

Born in Hamburg in 1974, I have spent most of my life in the beautiful Hanseatic city. After graduating from high school in Hamburg, doing a year of basic military service, studying business administration, and earning a master’s degree in business administration at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA, in 2000, I first worked as a management consultant in Munich. It was the time of the dotcom boom and I had managed to get a job at a really hip company. Unfortunately, then came the crash: and we had nothing left to do. That was not a particularly confidence-boosting career start, I can tell you, but at least it was a lesson in not believing the hype. At least there were mitigating circumstances: free coffee and a table soccer table in the company’s chill out room.

Disillusioned by the lost Internet dreams, I turned back to my family roots – and to my father’s Hamburg-based company. Well, it could have been so easy, but I also was not really satisfied there. I did make several attempts to create a fulfilling role for me there, but without a real feeling of fitting in.

Then we suddenly found ourselves in a situation that was an existential threat for the company, and finally I was able to find a role for me where I could make myself useful. I could play a key role in turning the situation around for us. Not to bother you with details: there were lawyers, a lot on the table, and a need for good communication. I still left after this, but with some learnings: I function best when there is a crisis – and my key skills are interpersonal!

After that, I initially went back to an IT-heavy management consultancy. It offered what had been missing at my entry into consulting: challenging projects with big companies, something which back then I still thought I needed.

But one thing gradually dawned on me…

If my first few years of work experience served one thing most, it was to realize the following: My true gift, my true passion, and what I really wanted to do was to work with people on a personal level.

And maybe you know this situation: You have already invested a lot in one thing, maybe even studied especially for it, and have built your future plans exactly on this foundation.

But what if you suddenly realize that maybe it’s not the right thing for you after all?

…and so it was time for a change for me.

In 2006, I therefore became self-employed as a coach for entrepreneurs and startups. I loved this work as a “business midwife”. My clients were happy, and I finally had the feeling that I had, to some degree, caught up with my calling. Being a startup coach is being half coach and half consultant. That allowed me to draw on my business consulting background, and at the same time build my coaching skills.

This went on for many years! Until I decided to shed the consulting part and focus on personal coaching – life coaching – alone. Our economic life has its place and importance, but it was just so much more fulfilling for me when I could support my clients in a more personal and in-depth way. This opportunity I found in Life Coaching. Life, after all, is what we are, and the life in us – in you and me and everybody else – is what this existence is all about. You can either work with life or against it – and I’m here to help you work with it.

In retrospect, it was difficult – not always, but time and time again – to finally find my place and the work in which I really thrive. But I persisted, and I did arrive at what I can strongly feel is my true calling.

One key to achieving this certainly was that, for a period of 15 years, I really made it my main priority in life to become an excellent coach and guide for self-fulfillment. I invested lots of time and money, completed one advanced training in this area after the other, and received a lot of tools for working with others – and oneself – from a whole range of fantastic people – coaches, teachers and therapists.

Coaching can be so transformational for one’s life, and that’s why I wish more people would get the chance to enjoy it and find their happiness. And my work is so engaging and fulfilling, I really wish more people that have the talent for it find their way to being a life coach. That’s why I founded Mylifecoach – as a place to share my way of working with people with other coaches. At my academy, you can learn how to be a life-changing coach. And if you come here as a client, you can be certain that all our coaches are trained by me and receive constant guidance and support from me.

For me, change work with people was and is an absolute booster for my own development – which of course never ends. As a coach, you owe it not only to yourself, but also to the people you work with, to constantly work on your own issues. If you don’t, you will inadvertently project your own limitations onto your clients (which is what you often experience when asking friends or family for advice). Through constantly practicing my coaching methods on myself before I use them to help my clients, I also automatically work on my own “stuff” along the way.

But I develop most in interaction with the people who place their trust in me: Their stories, struggles, and fates repeatedly push me to the core questions of our existence – and thus accelerate my own spiritual maturation. That is why I am extremely grateful to both: my teachers AND the people who come to me.

I have since outgrown my professional infancy and the way I work with people has become an own coaching approach, which I call Self-Integrative Coaching. In my search for ever more effective ways to help people evolve toward happier and more fulfilling lives, I have come to know integrative work on the soul level as the ultimate change tool and made it into a central element of my way of coaching. The key insight here is that at the most fundamental, deepest level, the level with the greatest leverage for change, it is about manifesting our whole selves, who we really are, here and now in our lives and in our bodies. The central work for this is to collect and integrate lost parts of ourselves. How exactly this is to be understood, you will be able to experience in the coaching. As you might guess, this means that I work in a way that is more profound than what many would associate with the term coaching. With Mylifecoach, I am now presenting and sharing Self-Integrative Coaching to give you the opportunity to experience truly life-changing coaching.

A central influence on the development of my way of working as a coach in the direction of self-integration was that I came into contact with regression work for the first time around 2014 and have since 2015 also been working as a regression facilitator. The method of regression, which I first learned from Jan Erik Sigdell, I was then able to learn in an even more methodologically sophisticated way in the form of Transpersonal Regression Therapy (TRT) as taught by Hans TenDam in Holland. His approach convinced me so much that I have since become a trainer in Transpersonal Regression Therapy myself. Together with my colleague Itta Nietsch, I founded Tasso Deutschland in 2018, a training institute with which we offer a full advanced training in TRT – now in its 3rd training period. My way of coaching – Self-Integrative Coaching, is strongly influenced by TRT – simply because TRT is so incredibly effective (learn more about it here).

Perhaps you find yourself in a situation like I was in (or similar)?

Then let me pass on one thing to you: if you begin your quest for real change, you can also achieve it… at least if you know the right tools. And I’ll be more than happy to show you exactly those tools.

The master talent for all of this is empathy. Therefore, let’s try to apply it to this web page:

What is it that really interests you about me?

Especially at the beginning of a collaboration, it is important to understand the true needs of your partner.

Perhaps what you’re really asking yourself reading this page is….

“Can Timm really support me on the path to my goals?”

…for some readers, my answer is actually no.

Here are the 3 things I unfortunately cannot help you with:

1. I cannot help you to immediately achieve your desired results.

Some people think that after a book, a seminar, or a video they can already reach their desired goal.

Of course, it always depends on your goals. Some obstacles we can already overcome in a single session… but other hurdles need a longer process. You have to be willing to go through this process and trust in yourself – and in me. And that trust is worth to take some time to build.

Are you ready to walk this path together with me?

Okay – then we go on to point 2.

2. You look for a “mainstream” coaching approach? Then you are unfortunately wrong here.

As already mentioned in the description of my coaching approach, we at Mylifecoach work much deeper than what many others associate with the term coaching and than what is currently trendy among any number of coaching associations and coaches (…who like to squeeze you into certain categories so they can apply their textbook methods).

What you need for Mylifecoach is an open mind, because Self-Integrative Coaching involves methods that are still little known in the mainstream. A central approach we work with is regression work. Regression means going back to the origins of problems to solve them energetically. Other aspects of Self-Integrative Coaching are the dissolving of karmic entanglements with other people, the liberation from negative influences of others – from external energies – and energetic healing.

Therefore the question: Are you ready and open for new approaches?

Yes? Very good – then we go to the last point.

3. You expect an easy way? I want to warn you…

…because at Mylifecoach we don’t just go to the symptoms… but to the true cause.

For you, this could mean, for example, reliving unpleasant, formative events from your past – in order to put them behind you once and for all.

This process is not always easy – but afterwards you will feel as if you have been blind for the last years. You will shed your masks, gain a whole new awareness and discover and understand yourself on a more intense level than ever before. You will finally be able to uncover and use your true strengths and talents.

…and if that is what you want, then this is also the path that we have to take together to achieve it.

You should be aware of that.

…and you are still here? Great. Then you are probably only asking yourself this one question now, aren’t you?

“How do I know Timm can really help me in my situation?”

A very good and justified question, because this work is always something personal. Because we need a foundation of trust for the methods to be really effective.

For both of us to find out if we have this foundation, you now have a special opportunity:

You can click on the button and arrange a no-obligation conversation with me. We can then find out directly whether and how I can help you in your situation, so that you can answer the question yourself (free of charge for you, of course).

Simple, isn’t it?

And thanks for reading through this page to the end.
You probably noticed that this is not your average “about me” page, right?
And it’s deliberately done that way: because we don’t have time to be just average. We sometimes have to take new and unusual approaches to achieve our goals. Keep that in mind…